Wednesday, November 11, 2009

First Post....

Blah....Blah blah blah blah.....I really suck at blogging and heres a pretty landscape!!!! Its in Brazil...they had a blackout this morning....But I better get serious...
Well I made this blog for creative writing and I'm a little late on it...oh well...I hope I can keep up with this, I'll be so happy if I can remember to make a post a week...but now that I look at others they post like three times a day... Toni say my life is eventful enough to write a book so I guess I'll ramble on about my life...
Currently I live with six other people over at my grandmother's house. Both Grandparents, Mary and David, Two Aunts, Heather and Felicia, my cousin Zoe and my uncle James. We have a Fish named Tank, a female dog named Eddie, and a Cat named Calyopi. This past weekend Heather hit my 75 year old grandfather with her car while he was checking the mail. He's okay. tomorrow I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out and m mom is having exploratory Surgery on the 17th...WOOT I have my work cut out for me! lol

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