Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Surgery and a Stress Baker

At 5:30 this morning my mother was rolled into surgery to have some of her stuff taken out. So far the Doctors have told us that she is a freak of nature and might have two uteri...no do not adjust your computer screens...this is really not that bizarre when it comes to my life...my family has come to the conclusion that she absorbed my real mother while in the womb. She is now my real (unborn mother's) murderer. You my reader could only hope that this was a joke but it isn't.

Thus with all the insanity of my life, I have been baking non-stop...

I start off my day at 6:45 by preheating the oven and then going back to bed for fifteen minutes. I wake up at 7 and roll the dough into balls and placing them on a very, very oiled cookie sheet. By 7:05 they are in the oven and I go to get dressed by the time I'm done getting ready, they are done too. I pull them out and use my handy dandy spatula and place them in the tupperware that I've designated just for the sugar cookies and pack them up while they are still hot.

I come to school with about a dozen...that are usually gone before first hour.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"What the f*ck is that?"

Yesterday and today I moved out of our town house and into my aunt and uncles old house (the one that didn't burn up). Last night at 2 in the morning my mother walks in saying that the car has run out of gas (for about the third time in the past week) and that she needs money for the cab fare. My father gives her twenty bucks and she walks out to pay the cabbie (or so we thought) and she disappears. (This isn't the first time this has happened and we were not alarmed by this.) This morning when we go back to Clearwood (the new house) and I walk in where my mother is drinking off her hangover in my bed and with a beer bottle filled with water in her hand and a towel with a yellow liquid on it. Now this is something I am alarmed by. I woke her up screaming about what the f was on my floor to which she screams back to shut the door before I let IT out...

I have no idea what IT could be...

This is when I notice there are small black pellets around the room on the floor. I take another look around to find something very fuzzy and very brown hopping around on my floor.

My mother in her drunken stupor had caught the neighbors bunny and housed it in my room...

she stole our new neighbors bunny...

Just when I thought it couldn't get more interesting...

Friday, November 13, 2009


I'm alive folks and shockingly the percocet hasn't put me down for the count!!!!! So I had my four wisdom teeth taken out yesterday and I am on a strict diet of apple juice, milkshakes, ice cream, nutella, and mashed pear sauce...you know like apple sauce but with pears???? yea and Even if I'm a little drugged and angry about crayons....I'm alive and at school exactly like I'm not supposed tooooooo......

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


WOOT...I suvived another day of insane livings which included me trying to find a ride home because everyone I live with and my parents all could not pick me up so who do I go to? A Freshman...
Because they love me. And they understood and she said that she could get me a ride home. Although my day isn't even close to crazy yet. So...yea...maybe I'll post again but I'm thinking that I'll be out of commision for a few days....WISH ME LUCK~~~~

First Post....

Blah....Blah blah blah blah.....I really suck at blogging and heres a pretty landscape!!!! Its in Brazil...they had a blackout this morning....But I better get serious...
Well I made this blog for creative writing and I'm a little late on it...oh well...I hope I can keep up with this, I'll be so happy if I can remember to make a post a week...but now that I look at others they post like three times a day... Toni say my life is eventful enough to write a book so I guess I'll ramble on about my life...
Currently I live with six other people over at my grandmother's house. Both Grandparents, Mary and David, Two Aunts, Heather and Felicia, my cousin Zoe and my uncle James. We have a Fish named Tank, a female dog named Eddie, and a Cat named Calyopi. This past weekend Heather hit my 75 year old grandfather with her car while he was checking the mail. He's okay. tomorrow I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out and m mom is having exploratory Surgery on the 17th...WOOT I have my work cut out for me! lol